Prof. Dr. Raquib Ahmed
Vice Chancellor
[ Ph.D. in Urban Geography, University of Mysore (India)
Masters in Geography, University of Rajshahi
Bachelor (Hons.) in Geography, University of Rajshahi ]
[ Former Chairman, Geography & Environmental Studies, University of Rajshahi
Former Director, Institute of Environmental Science, University of Rajshahi
Former Director, ICT Center, University of Rajshahi
Former Professor, Institute of Geography, University of Cologne (Germany)
Guest Professor, Institute of Geoinformatics, Muenster University (Germany)
Guest Professor, Freiburg University of Education (Germany)
Former Chairman, Department of Geography, Islamia University of Bahawalpur (Pakistan)
Senior Fellow, University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka ]
Phone : +8802222285182 (Direct)
+8802222291453, +8802222291576, +8802222285165 (Ext. 115)
E-Mail : vc@fiu.edu.bd