Mr. Md. Moshiur Rahman
Phone : +8802222291453, +8802222291576, +8802222285165 (Ext. 107)
E-Mail : registrar@fiu.edu.bd
Biography :
Mr. Md. Moshiur Rahman is a retired Additional Secretary of the Government of Bangladesh. He has experience working about thirty years in the Bangladesh Civil Service (Administration). Prior to that he had about four years’ contribution in the education department. He had a good academic attainment, stood First Class First in M. Sc. in Zoology with a thesis on Entomology from the University of Dhaka in 1986. After retirement as Additional Secretary from the Public Security Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs, he worked as the Senior Consultant in Bangladesh Coast Guard where he contributed in restructuring of the force and other manpower of the department. He has experience of working as the ‘Examiner’ and ‘Member of the Viva Board’ of the Bangladesh Public Service Commission since 2017.
He has experience in working with top-level government structures, liaison with different Ministries/Divisions/Departments and Development Partners, multi and bilateral donors, national and international NGOs, and other development implementing agencies, public and private. He has experience working as the Chief Innovation Officer, Team Leader and Focal Point officer on modern development issues like- Innovation, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Access to Information (a2i), Annual Performance Agreement (APA), National Integrity Strategy (NIS), Ease of Doing Business, Blue Economy and Istanbul Plan of Action (IPoA). He was the Resource Person of the Ministry of Public Administration on environmental issues. He has a keen interest in various environmental issues like Global Warming and its impact on Bangladesh, Climate Change, Biodiversity, Sustainable Development, and Ecosystem.
During his work as the General Manager of the State-owned Jiban Bima Corporation, he has awarded for his significant contribution in recovery of long-pending claims and huge other public demands from some of the default tenants within legal administrative procedures. He has experience visiting foreign countries to attend various training programmes and some other official purposes. The most notable ones include Sweden, Italy, England, The United States of America (USA), Australia, New Zealand, India, Nepal, China, Japan, Korea Republic, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
In personal life he is married and blessed with a child (son) who has recently accomplished his Master of Science on Software Engineering from the Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.