Mr. Md. Abu Zaman
Associate Professsor & Department Head
[ Ph.D. in EEE (Ongoing), Dhaka University
M.Sc. in Applied Physics & Electronic Engineering, Rajshahi University
B.Sc. (Gold Medalist) in Applied Physics & Electronic Engineering, Rajshahi University ]
E-Mail : zaman.eee@fiu.edu.bd
Journal :
01. "Influence of Electron Transport Layer on the Performance of Perovskite Hybrid Solar Cell"
International conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology -ICEIT 2019, IEEE digital explore, 23-24 December, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh
02. "The Effect of Absorber Layer Thickness on the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cell"
International conference on material science and Semiconductor Devices, 7-8 September 2018, University of Dhaka
03. "Simulation of the Electrical Characteristics and Photon Absorption Profile of P3HT/PCBM Planar Hetero-Junction Photovoltaic Cell"
Journal of Energy Technology Research. 54 James Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, UK, VOL-1, NO-2, ISSUE-2,2017
04. "Design of a 100 VA Power Inverter"
Journal of Signal Processing,MAT Journals, Volume-2, Issue-1, page 1-9, 2016
05. "Performance Comparison of Different Modulation Schemes for OFDM in Static (AWGN) Channel"
Bangladesh Journal of Physics, Volume 13, June 2013
06. "Analytical Study & Aspects on the Properties of Hetero Structure P-N Junction in Advance Technology"
International Journal of Computing - IIJC, Volume 2, Issue 4. 2012
07. "Performance Evaluation of different level Modulation schemes for an efficient Mobile WiMAX system in OFDM under Rayleigh Fading and AWGN Channel"
International Journal of Mobile and Adhoc Network -IJMAN, 2012, Volume 2, Issue 4. 2012
08. "Symbiotic Relationship Between Human & Robot"
Bangladesh Journal of Physics, 7&8, 33-42, 2009
09. "Design & Simulation of a LAN using Automatic Traffic Generation with CBR and FTP Applications"
Journal of Electrical, Electronic & Communication Technology, Stamford University, Bangladesh. Volume 1, Issue-2, 2008