Department of Business Administration

Prof. Dr. Iqbal Mahmood
Professor & Advisor, Board of Trustees, Fareast International University (FIU)
[ Former Chairman, Anti-Corruption Commission, Bangladesh ]
[ Ph.D. in Public Administration
MS in Policy Studies, University of New South Wales (Australia)
MS in Public Administration, University of Dhaka
BS in Public Administration, University of Dhaka ]
E-Mail : iqbal.fba@fiu.edu.bd

Dr. Alim Al Ayub Ahmed
Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of Business
[ Ph.D. in Accounting (Financial Reporting), University of Rajshahi
MBA in Accounting, University of Rajshahi
BBS (Hons.) in Accounting, University of Rajshahi ]
E-Mail : alim.fba@fiu.edu.bd
Biography :
Alim Al Ayub Ahmed, Ph.D. served as an International Faculty, at the School of Accounting, at Jiujiang University, China, since September 2019. Being a Research Professor, he participates in a research project hosted by the "National Natural Science Foundation of China." His background (accompanied by the Accounting School of Jiujiang University) includes a remarkable number of citations of being rated as an outstanding level research professor. Professionally, Mr. Ahmed is disciplined in Accounting; he obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Rajshahi in "Compliance of Financial Disclosure in Corporate Annual Reports of the Banking Sector in Bangladesh." He also completed MBA in Accounting from the University of Rajshahi. He is Editor in Chief (EIC) of the peer-reviewed academic journal "Asian Business Review." He is a certified reviewer of Wiley, Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, and Hindawi journals. His research and consultancy interests encompass Accounting Disclosure, Financial Reporting, Corporate Disclosure, Accounting Information Systems, Business Intelligence, and Machine Learning. The Springer Book series published his book (chapters) in Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (2022). His books (1) Compliance of Financial Disclosure: Long Walk to Accounting Research (2012), and (2) A Complete Dictionary of Accounting (2020), are being distributed by amazon.com. He is a member of Crossref, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), and the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC). His Scopus Profile Link: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218631949

Mr. Ekram Ahmed
Adjunct Faculty Member
[ Former Chairman, Bangladesh Public Service Commission ]
[ Vice-President, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh ]

Ms. Raihana Sadia
Assistant Professor & Department Head
[ MBA, Independent University Bangladesh (IUB-MSM)
BBA, Independent University Bangladesh (IUB) ]
E-Mail : raihana.fba@fiu.edu.bd

Mr. SK. Kamrul Hassan
Assistant Professor
[ MBA (HRM), International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC)
BBA, International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) ]
E-Mail : kamrul.fba@fiu.edu.bd

Ms. Farhanaz Luna
Assistant Professor
[ Ph.D. (Ongoing), University of Dhaka
MBA (Banking & Insurance), University of Dhaka
BBA (Banking), University of Dhaka ]
E-Mail : luna.fba@fiu.edu.bd
Journal :
01. "Strategic Analysis of Power Generation & Distribution Sector of Bangladesh: A Case Study on United Power Generation & Distribution Company Limited"
[ Fareast International University Journal, ISSN 2519-9951, Vol. 03, Issue 01 (January 2020) ]
02. "Ethical Banking Practices by Banks of Bangladesh: A way to Prevent Dubious Banking"
[ Fareast International University Journal, ISSN 2519-9951, Vol. 01, Issue 01 (January 2018) ]
03. "Small Investors Insecurities in Capital Market of Bangladesh: Impact of Bubbles and future to grow"
[ Fareast International University Journal, ISSN 2519-9951, Vol. 01, Issue 01 (January 2018) ]
04. "Brain Drain, the Consequence of Globalization and Future Development: A Study on Bangladesh"
[ Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development (USA), Vol. 07, No. 06, Page: 24-28 (2016) ]
05. "CSR is a Management Practice to Improve Financial Performance of Banks: A Study on Banks of Dhaka City, Bangladesh"
[ International Journal of Business Administration, Canada, Vol. 06 (2015) ]
06. "Customer Relationship Management: A study on BRAC Bank Limited"
[ University of South Asia Journal, Vol. 01, Issue 01 (2015) ]
07. "The Socio-Economic Condition of Female Slum Dwellers: A study on Slums in Dhaka"
[ IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, India, Vol. 20, Issue 03 (2015) ]
08. "Advertisement and Publicity: A classical tool to measure net marketing contribution of Banks of Bangladesh"
[ Feni University Journal, Feni University, ISSN 2518-3869, Vol. 02, No. 02, Page: 157-172 (April 2018) ]

Mr. Ahmad Bin Yamin
Assistant Professor
[ MBA (Marketing), University of Rajshahi
BBA (Marketing), University of Rajshahi ]
E-Mail : yamin.fba@fiu.edu.bd
Journal :
01. "Enhancing Brand Equity through Brand knowledge of Consumer Products: An Analysis on Consumers of Bangladesh"
[ Fareast International University Journal, ISSN 2519-9951, Vol. 03, Issue 01, Page: 08-15 (January 2020) ]
02. "Analyzing the Role of Integrated Marketing Communication: Significance of Incorporation with Social Medias"
[ Fareast International University Journal, ISSN 2519-9951, Vol. 01, Issue 01, Page: 38-53 (January 2018) ]
03. "Small Investor’s Insecurities in Capital Market of Bangladesh: Impact of Bubbles and Future to Grow"
[ Fareast International University Journal, ISSN 2519-9951, Vol. 01, Issue 01, Page: 80-91 (January 2018) ]
04. "Impact of Digital marketing as a tool of Marketing Communication: A behavioral perspective on consumers of Bangladesh"
[ American Journal of Trade and Policy (USA), ISSN (Print) 2313-4747, ISSN (Online) 2313-4755, Vol. 04, No. 01, Page: 49-54 (2017) ]
05. "Expectations and Challenges of Stakeholders in Mobile Banking Services of Bangladesh"
[ Central Asian Economic Review, Narxoz University, Kazakhstan, ISSN 2224-5561s, Vol. 02, No. 115, Page: 69-79 (2017) ]
06. "Price volatility and its impact on developing economy: Bangladesh Perspective"
[ European Journal of Business and Management (USA), Vol. 08, No. 20, Page: 96-102 (2016) ]
07. "Brain Drain, the Consequence of Globalization and Future Development: A Study on Bangladesh"
[ Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development (USA), Vol. 07, No. 06, Page: 24-28 (2016) ]
08. "Mobile Financial Services by Banks: Gearing up for Digital Bangladesh"
[ Feni University Journal, Feni University, ISSN 2518-3869, Vol. 02, No. 01, Page: 25-34 (April 2018) ]
09. "Advertisement and Publicity: A classical tool to measure net marketing contribution of Banks of Bangladesh"
[ Feni University Journal, Feni University, ISSN 2518-3869, Vol. 02, No. 02, Page: 157-172 (April 2018) ]

Ms. Shohana Siddique
[ MBA (Marketing), Jagannath University
BBA (Marketing), Jagannath University ]
E-Mail : shohana.fba@fiu.edu.bd

Mr. Shahed Ahmmed
E-Mail : shahed.fba@fiu.edu.bd