Fareast International University (FIU) has established Integrated Research Institute for Inclusive Development (IRIID) to promote research on various issues of the contemporary world & facilitate further education using appropriate technology for sustainable development under the provision of the Private University Act-2010 and approval from the University Grants Commission (UGC).
Aims & Objectives:
- To promote and provide facilities for advanced studies & research on all the benches of knowledge and such other subjects as are significantly related to the life and society of Bangladesh for short courses viz. diploma, the M. Phil. and Ph.D. degrees
- To undertake research projects in co-operation with public or private organizations, International donors or Agencies as and when necessary under mutual agreement
- To place at the disposal of society the results of the researches conducted at the Institute for fruitful utilization in planning & development schemes
- To co-operate with other departments of the university in research activities
- To popularize knowledge through seminars, conferences & publications
- To conduct such other activities as may facilitate attainment of the objective of the institute
Currently, IRIID is in the verge of starting certificate courses on Cyber-Security, Media Studies, & Micro-Finance. The details will be available here very soon and further information can be availed from the office as well.

Prof. Dr. Raquib Ahmed
Vice Chancellor, FIU
Director (In-Charge)
- Ph.D. in Urban Geography, University of Mysore (India)
- Masters in Geography, University of Rajshahi
- Bachelor (Hons.) in Geography, University of Rajshahi
+8802222285182 (Direct Line)
(Extension: 115)

Prof. Dr. Rejaul Karim Bakshi
Guest Professor
- Ph.D., Deakin University (Australia)
- M.Sc. (Denmark)
- MSS, University of Rajshahi

Prof. Dr. Md. Ayub Hossain
Guest Professor
- Post Doctoral Research Fellowship, Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie (Germany)
- Ph.D. in Farm Power & Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University &
Newcastle University (UK) - MS in Farm Power & Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University

Prof. Dr. M. Shamsul Alam
Guest Professor
- Ph.D. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Dr. Bayes Ahmed
Adjunct Professor
- Ph.D. in Disaster Risk Reduction, University College London (UK)
- M.Sc. in Geospatial Technologies, Universities in Spain, Germany & Portugal
- Bachelor of Urban & Regional Planning, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
- Associate Professor, Institute for Risk & Disaster Reduction, University College London (UK)